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Taekwon-do is a Korean martial art and self-defence. Translated literally, Taekwon-do means “the art of the hand and foot”, thereby signifying a version of unarmed combat devised for the purpose of self-defence. It involves the scientific use of the body towards self-defence in a way unique to this martial art system. Young, old, male, female are able to learn Taekwon-do. Physical strength, body weight or build are immaterial. Because Taekwon-do is scientifically devised, it maximises the individual's potential regardless of physical characteristics. Therefore it enables the student to acquire the ability to defend him or herself together with the confidence to apply this ability. It is a martial art unequalled in the power of its techniques and variety of training aspects.

The Connacht Taekwon-Do Schools Student Handbook is available to view or download here

Select the section of Taekwondo Theory you wish to view below

Information Applicable to White Belts
Information Applicable to Yellow Tags
Information Applicable to Yellow Belts
Information Applicable to Green Tags
Information Applicable to Green Belts
Information Applicable to Blue Tags
Information Applicable to Blue Belts
Information Applicable to Red Tags
Information Applicable to Red Belts
Information Applicable to Black Tags

Theory of Power
Semi Free Sparring
One Step Sparring


Information Applicable to White Belts

Taekwon-do : The art of kicking and punching.
Tae : The foot, used for jumping, smashing and kicking.
Kwon : The hand, used for punching, striking, thrusting and blocking.
Do : The way, art or method
IUTF : Irish United Taekwon-do Federation
Chief Instructor : Master Don Dalton, 7th Dan
ITF : International Taekwon-do Federation
President : Master Choi Jung Hwa, 8th Dan
TAEKWON-DO was founded by Grand Master General Choi Hong Hi (9th Dan) on the 11th April 1955.

Tenets of Taekwon-Do :

Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Indomitable Spirit.

Korean Counting :

1 : Hana     2 : Dool     3 : Set     4 : Net     5 : Tasut     6 : Yasut     7 : Ilgop     8 : Yaudol     9 : Ahop     10 : Yaul

Meaning of White Belt:

White signifies innocence as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwon-do.

Parts of the Body:

Forefist : Ap Joomuk
Knife-hand : Sonkal
Inner Forearm : An Palmok
Outer Forearm : Bakat Palmok
Ball of the Foot : Ap Kumchi


Attention Stance : Chariot Sogi
Parallel Ready Stance : Narani Junbi Sogi
Sitting Stance : Annun Sogi
Walking Stance : Gunnun Sogi

Defensive Techniques

Inner Forearm Middle block : An Palmok Kaunde Makgi
Outer Forearm Low Block : Bakat Palmok Najunde Makgi
Obverse Block : blocking over primary leg : Baro Makgi
Reverse Block : blocking opposite the primary leg : Bandae Makgi
Front Rising Kick : using ball of foot to block : Ap Cha Olligi

Offensive Techniques:

Front Punch : punching to the front and on the centre line : Ap Jirugi
Obverse Punch : punching over the primary leg : Baro Jirugi
Reverse Punch : punching opposite the primary leg : Bandae Jirugi

Sections and Targets:

High : Nopunde : From shoulder level and above.
Middle : Kaunde : From shoulder level to the umbilicus.
Low : Najunde : From waist level and below.
High target is a target at the student's own eye level.
Middle target is a target at the student's own shoulder level.
Low target is a target at the student's own lower abdomen area.

Attention Stance:

Heels together, 45-degree angle between the feet. Bow forwards 15 degrees; eyes face the front, drop the fists down naturally; fists are slightly clenched.

Parallel Ready Stance:

Shoulder width from footsword to footsword: feet are parallel; body is relaxed; hands are to the front

Sitting Stance:

One and a half shoulder width from reverse footsword to reverse footsword; both knees are bent evenly: extend the knees outward, bending until the knee caps come over the front sole; feet are parallel.

Walking Stance:

Length is one and a half shoulder width from big toe to big toe; width is shoulder wide from centre of foot to centre of foot; extend the front knee outward until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the heel; front leg is the primary leg; back foot is pointing off at an angle of 25 degrees.


Chariot = Attention
Junbi = Ready
Kyong -Ye = Bow
Sijak = Start
Dobok = Uniform
Goman = Stop
Dojang = Practice Hall
Baro = Return
Hae San = Dismissed
Sho = Relax

How do I determine the primary leg in a stance ?

There are three criteria for deciding the primary leg in any stance. The primary leg is the leg that contains the most body weight. If the weight is the same on both legs, then the primary leg is the leg with the most bend. If both legs are bent equally then the front leg is the primary leg. For example, the primary leg in the walking stance is the front leg. This is because there is 50% body weight on each leg. Therefore the leg with the most bend is the important one i.e. the front leg.

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Information Applicable to Yellow Tags

New Stance :

L-Stance : Niunja Sogi

Interpretation of Chon-Ji (19 movements):

Chon-Ji means literally "the Heaven the Earth". It is, in the Orient interpreted as the creation of the world or the beginning of human history; therefore it is the initial pattern played by the beginner. This pattern consists of two similar parts; one to represent the Heaven and the other the earth.

Defensive Techniques

Inside Block : An Makgi
Outside Block : Bakat Makgi
Inward Block : Annuro Makgi
Outward Block : Bakuro Makgi


Wen : Left
Orun : Right
Tul : Pattern
Duro Duro : About Turn
Sambo Matsogi : 3 step sparring


Length is one and a half shoulder width from big toe of front foot to foot-sword of back foot; 2.5 centimetres in width from heel to heel; both feet turned in by 15 degrees; bend the rear leg until the knee cap forms a vertical line with the toes, bending the front leg proportionally; back leg is the primary leg; 70% of weight on the back leg

Meaning of Yellow Belt:

Yellow signifies the Earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Taekwon-do skills begin to develop.

Pattern Chon-Ji:

The following points should be remembered.
1. Walking Stance Forearm Low Block (Gunnun So Palmok Najunde Makgi): The forearm reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender. The body becomes half-facing the opponent.
2. Walking Stance Middle Front Punch (Gunnun So Kaunde Ap Jirugi): The fist forms a vertical line with the toes. The fist reached the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. The fist is brought to the centre of the attackers body.
3. L-stance Inner Forearm Middle Block (Niunja So An Palmok Kaunde Makgi): The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. The body is half facing. The fist forms a triangle with the shoulders.

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Information Applicable to Yellow Belts

Defensive Techniques

Knife-hand Guarding Block : Sonkal Daebi Makgi
Twin Forearm Block : Sang Palmok Makgi
Rising block : Chookyo Makgi

Offensive Techniques

High Section Punch : Nopunde Jirugi
Knife-hand Strike : Sonkal Taerigi

Interpretation of Dan Gun (21 movements):

Dan Gun is named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year of 2333 BC.

Pattern Dan Gun:

The following points should be remembered:
1. L-Stance Knife-hand Guarding Block (Niunja So Sonkal Daebi Makgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the shoulder of the defender. The knife-hand becomes half-facing the opponent. The knife-hand forms a triangle with the shoulders.
2. L-Stance Twin Forearm Block (Niunja So Sang Palmok Makgi): The front hand reaches the level of the shoulder of the defender and is the primary hand.
3. Walking Stance Forearm Rising Block (Gunnun So Palmok Chookyo Makgi): The forearm stays at the centre of the defender's head. The inner forearm stays at the top of the defender's head.
4. L-Stance Knife-Hand Middle Outward Strike (Niunja So Sonkal Kaunde Bakuro Taerigi): The knife-hand reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender. The body becomes half-facing the opponent.

Student Guidelines (by Gen. Choi):

1. Never tire of learning. A good student can learn anywhere anytime. This is the secret to knowledge.
2. A good student must be willing to sacrifice for his art and instructor. Many students feel their training is a commodity bought with monthly dues, and are unwilling to take part in demonstrations, teaching and helping around the dojang. An instructor can do without this type of student.
3. Always set a good example for lower ranking students. It is only natural they will try and emulate senior students.
4. Always be loyal and never criticise the instructor, Taekwon-do or the teaching methods.
5. If an instructor teaches a technique, practice it and attempt to utilise it.
6. Remember that a student's conduct outside the dojang reflects on the art and the instructor.
7. If a student adopts a technique from another dojang and the instructor disapproves of it the student must discard it immediately or train at the gym where the technique was learned.
8. Never be disrespectful to the instructor. Though a student is allowed to disagree with an instructor, the student must first follow the instruction and discuss the matter later.
9. A student must always be eager to learn and ask questions.
10. Never betray the instructor.

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Information Applicable to Green Tags

Defensive Techniques

Outer Forearm High Block : Bakat Palmok Nopunde Makgi
Wedging Block : Hechyo Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Straight Fingertip Thrust : Sun Sonkut Tulgi
Backfist Hight Side Strike : Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi
Turning Kick : Dollyo Chagi
Front Snap Kick : Ap Cha Busigi
Side Piercing Kick : Yopcha Jirugi


Ban Jayoo Matsogi : Semi Free Sparring
Footsword : Balkal
Instep : Baldung
Jayoo Matsogi : Free Sparring

Interpretation of Do San (24 movements):

Do San is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938). The 24 movements represent his entire life, which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independent movement.

Pattern Do-San:

The following points should be remembered: 1.Walking Stance Outer Forearm High Side Block (Gunnun So Bakat Palmok Nopunde Yop Makgi): The fist reaches the eye level of the defender.
2.Walking Stance Backfist High Side Strike (Gunnun So Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi): The forefist reaches the eye level of the defender. The body becomes half-facing the opponent.
3.Walking Stance Outer Forearm High Wedging Block (Gunnun So Bakat Palmok Nopunde Hechyo Makgi): The distance between the fists is equal to one shoulder width. The fists reach the level of the eyes of the defender.
4.Middle Front Snap Kick (Kaunde Apcha Busigi): The ball of the foot is the attacking tool. The attacking tool reaches the solar plexus of the attacker.

Meaning of Green Belt:

Green signifies the plant's growth as the Taekwon-do skill begins to develop.

Breaking Requirements (Over 17's only):

Front Snap Kick

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Information Applicable to Green Belts

New Stances:

Close Ready Stance A : Moa Junbi sogi A
Fixed Stance : Gojung Sogi
Bending Rready Stance : Guburyo sogi
Defensive Techniques Forearm Circular Block : Palmok Dollimyo Makgi
Forearm Guarding Block : Palmok Daebi Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Knife-Hand Inward Strike : Sonkal Annuro Taerigi

Interpretation of Won-Hyo (28 movements):

Won-Hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 A.D.

Pattern Won Hyo:

The following points should be remembered:
1.L-Stance Knife-hand High Inward Strike (Niunja So Sonkal Nopunde Annuro Taerigi): The knife-hand reaches neck level of the attacker.
2.Fixed Stance Middle Punch (Gojung So Kaunde Jirugi): The body is half-facing.
3.Walking Stance Forearm Circular Block (Gunnun So Palmoik Dollimyo Makgi): The inner forearm is used as the blocking tool. The fist reaches the shoulder level of the defender. This shoulder should be slightly lower than the opposite one.
4.L-Stance Forearm Middle Guarding Block (Niunja So Palmok Kaunde Daebi Makgi): The forearm becomes half-facing the opponent. The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the defender.
5.Middle Side Piercing Kick (Kaunde yopcha Jirugi): The footsword reaches the same level as the defender's shoulder.
6.Low Front Snap Kick (Najunde Apcha Busigi): The foot reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the attacker.

Fixed Stance:

Length is one and a half shoulder width from big toe of front foot to reverse footsword of rear foot; weight is distributed evenly; front leg is primary leg.

Bending Ready stance:

Standing leg is bent; footsword of the lifted leg is brought in towards the opposite knee; standing leg is the primary leg. It is principally used as a preparatory position of side piercing and thrusting kicks.

Close Ready Stance A:

Feet together; left hand over right. The distance between the philtrum and the fists is approximately 30cm.

Breaking Requirements For 6th/5th Gups :

Side Piercing Kick

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Information Applicable to Blue Tags

New Stances:

X-Stance : Kyocha Sogi

Defensive Techniques

Twin Knife-Hand Block : Sang Sonkal Makgi
Palm Hooking Block : Sonbadak Golcho Makgi
Double Forearm Block : Doo Palmok Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Front Elbow Strike : Ap Palkup Makgi


Ilbo Matsogi : One Step Sparring

Interpretation of Yul-Gok (38 movements):

Yul-Gok is the pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi I (1536 1584) nicknamed the "Confucius of Korea." The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on 38 degrees latitude and the diagram represents 'scholar".

Pattern Yul-Gok:

The following points should be remembered:
1.Sitting Stance Middle Punch (Annun So Kaunde Jirugi): The fist reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. The fist is brought to the centre of the attacker. The measure punch is on the shoulder line.
2.L-Stance Twin Knife-Hand Block (Niunja So Sang Sonkal Makgi): The side blocking hand reaches the shoulder level of the defender.
3.Walking Stance Palm Middle Hooking Block (Gunnun So Sonbadak Kaunde Golcho Makgi): The palm must reach the target in an arc.
4.Walking Stance Front Elbow Strike (Gunnun So Ap Palkup Taerigi): The backfist faces upwards. The body is front facing.
5.X-Stance Back Fist High side Strike (Kyocha So Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Taerigi): The body becomes side facing the opponent. The fist reaches the eye level of the attacker.
6.Walking Stance Double Forearm High Block (Gunnun So Doo Palmok Nopunde Makgi): The body becomes half-facing the opponent. The fist reaches the eye level of the defender.


Cross one foot over (when stepping) or behind (when jumping) the other, touching the ground slightly with the front sole placing the body weight on the stationery foot. The stationery leg is the primary leg.

Meaning of Blue Belt:

Blue signifies the heaven, towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-do progresses.

Breaking Requirements :

Side Piercing Kick

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Information Applicable to Blue Belts

New Stances:

Close Ready Stance B : Moa Junbi sogi B
Rear Foot stance : Dwitbal Sogi
Low Stance : Nachuo Sogi
Close Stance : Moa Sogi

Defensive Techniques

Reverse Knife-Hand Outward Block : Sonkal Dung Bakuro Makgi
Palm Upward Block : Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi
X-Fist Rising Block : Kyocha Joomuk Chookyo Makgi
Palm Pressing Block : Sonbadak Noolloo Makgi
U-shape Block : Digutja Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Side Front Snap Kick : Yobap Cha Busigi
Upper Elbow Strike : Wipalgup Taerigi
Twin Fist High Vertical Punch : Sang Joomuk Nopunde Sewo Jirugi
Twin fist Upset Punch : Sanj Joomuk Dwijibo Jirugi
Angle Punch : Kiokja Jirugi


Bandae Dollyo Chagi : Reverse Turning Kick
Dwichook : Back Heel
Arc-Hand : Bandal Son

Interpretation of Joong-Gun (32 movements):

Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn-Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korea-Japan merger. There are 32 movements in the pattern to represent Mr. Ahn's age when he was executed in Lui-Shung prison in 1910.

Pattern Joong-Gun:

The following points should be remembered:
1.Low Side Front Snap Kick (Najunde Yobap Cha Busigi): The hip turns into the kick. 2.Rear Foot Stance Palm Upward Block (Dwitbal So Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi): The palm reaches the solar plexus height of the defender.
3.Walking Stance Upper Elbow Strike (Gunnun So Wipalgup Taerigi): The body is front facing. The point of the chin is the target.
4.Walking Stance Twinfist Vertical Punch (Gunnun So Sang Joomuk Sewo Jirugi): The fists reach the same level as the phitrum of the defender.
5.Walking Stance Twinfist Upset Punch (Gunnun So Sang Joomuk Dwijibo Jirugi): The back fist comes to the same height as the elbow joint.
6.Close Stance Angle Punch (Moa So Kiokja Jiurugi): The fist reaches the shoulder line.

Rear Foot Stance:

This stance is one shoulder width from footsword of back foot to big toe of front foot. Most of the weight is on the rear foot; front toes point in by 25 degrees; toes of the rear foot point in by 15 degrees. Front knee is bent; front sole is slightly on the ground with heel about 2.5 centimetres off ground; bend the rear leg until the knee comes over the toes; rear leg is the primary leg.

Low Stance:

This stance is the same as walking stance except it is longer by one foot.

Breaking Requirements For 4th/3rd Gups:

Reverse Turning Kick/Knife-hand Strike

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Information Applicable to Red Tags

Defensive Techniques

X-Fist Pressing Block : Kyocha Joomuk Noollo Makgi
W-Shape Block : San Makgi
Double Forearm Low Pushing Block : Doo Palmok Najunde Miro Makgi
Knife-Hand Low Guarding Block : Sonkal Najunde Daebi Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Upset Fingertip Thrust : Dwijibun Sonkut Makgi
Back Fist Side Rear Strike : Dung Joomuk Yopdwi Taerigi
Knee Upward Kick : Moorup Ollyo Chagi
Flat Fingertip Thrust : Opun Sonkut Tulgi


Knee : Moorup
Downward Kick : Naeryo Chagi
Twin side Elbow Posture : Sang Yop Palkup Jase
Breaking :Gyokpa
Crescent Kick : Bandal chagi
Twisting Kick : Bituro Chagi

Interpretation of Toi-Gye (37 movements):

Toi-Gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo-confucianism. The 37 movements in this pattern refer to his birthplace on 37 degrees lattitude. The diagram represents "scholar."

Pattern Toi-Gye:

The following points should be remembered:
1.Walking Stance Upset Fingertip Thrust (Gunnun So Dwijibun Sonkut Tulgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the pubic region.
2.Close Stance Back Fist Side Rear Strike (Moa So Dung Joomuk Yopdwi Taerigi): The back fist reaches the eye level of the attacker.
3.Walking Stance X-fist Pressing Block (Gunnun So Kyocha Joomuk Noollo Makgi): The crossed point reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender.
4.Sitting Stance Outer Forearm W-Shape Block (Annun So Bakat Palmok San Makgi): The outer forearm reaches the same level as the philtrum of the defender.
5.Knee Upward Kick (Moorup Ollyo Chagi): The palms become level with the elbows.
6.Walking Stance Flat Fingertip Thrust (Gunnun So Opun Sonkut Tulgi): The fingertip reaches the level of the forehead of the attacker.
7.Walking Stance Double Forearm Low Pushing Block (Gunnun So Doo Palmok Najunde Miro Makgi): The inner forearm reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender.
8.L-stance Back Fist Side Rear Strike (Niunja So Dung Joomuk Yopdwi Taerigi): The back fist reaches slightly higher than the temple of the attacker.
9.X-Stance X-Fist Pressing Block (Kyocha So Kyocha Joomuk Noollo Makgi): The crossed point reaches the same level as the lower abdomen of the defender.
10.L-Stance Knife-Hand Guarding Low Block (Niunja So Sonkal Najunde Daebi Makgi): The blocking hand is at the same level as the scrotum of the defender while the other hand is brought in front of the lower abdomen.
11.The front snap kick in pattern Toi-Gye is middle section.
12.The side front snap kicks in pattern Toi-Gye are low section.

Meaning of Red Belt:

Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.


The name Korea is believed by some to be derived from the phrase "high mountains and sparkling streams." Another name, Chosen, is often translated, "the land of morning calm."


At this stage of the student's Taekwon-do training a great deal of time and dedication is necessary. One of the ultimate goals of each and every student is nearby, the goal of becoming a black belt. The traits of indomitable spirit and perseverance will most definitely be tested over the coming months. Constant repetition is of vital significance if success is to be achieved. The rewards for your efforts and toil will be truly great. It will be something that will stand to you for the rest of your life.

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Information Applicable to Red Belts

New Stances:

Close Ready Stance C : Moa Junbi Sogi C
Vertical stance : Soo Jik Sogi
Defensive Techniques Palm Pushing Block : Sonbadak Miro Makgi
Inner Forearm Side Front Block : An Palmok Yobap Makgi

Offensive Techniques

Upward Punch : Ollyo Jirugi
Knife-Hand Downward Strike : Sonkal Naeryo Taerigi
Turning Kick : Dollyo chagi
Side Elbow Thrust : Yop Palkup Tulgi

Interpretation of Hwa-Rang (29 movements):

Hwa-Rang is name after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla dynasty in the early 7th century. The 29 movements refer to the 29th infantry division, where Taekwon-do developed into maturity.

Pattern Hwa-Rang:

The following points should be remembered:
1.L-Stance Upward Punch (Niunja So Ollyo Jirugi): The fist reaches the eye level of the defender.
2.Vertical Stance Knife-Hand Downward Strike (Soo Jik So Sonkal Naeryo Taerigi): The knife-hand reaches the target in a circular motion. Keep the elbow straight at the moment of impact.
3.High Turning Kick (Nopunde Dollyo Chagi): The attacking tool reaches the eye level of the attacker.
4.L-Stance Obverse Punch (Niunja So Baro Jirugi): The fist reaches the same level of the shoulder. The right arm forms a parallel line with the left leg and vice-versa.
5.Close Stance Inner Forearm Side Front Block (Moa So An Palmok Yobap Makgi): The fist reaches the same level as the defender's temple. The opposite outer forearm reaches the same level as the defender's lower abdomen.

Vertical Stance:

Length is one shoulder width from toe of front foot to reverse footsword of rear foot; the toes of both feet are pointing in by 15 degrees; legs are street; 60% of weight is on rear leg; rear leg is the primary leg.

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Information Applicable to Black Tags

Defensive Techniques

Forearm Middle Front Block : Palmok Kaunde Ap Makgi
X-Knife-Hand Checking Block : Kyocha Sonkal Momchau Makgi
Twin Palm Upward Block : Sang Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi
Jumping : Twigi

Offensive Techniques

Knife-Hand High Front Strike : Sonkal Nopunde Ap Makgi
Flying Side-Piercing Kick : Twimyo Yopcha Jirugi
Reverse Knife-Hand high Front Strike : Dung Joomuk Nopunde Ap Taerigi
Middle Back Piercing Kick : Kaunde Dwitcha Jirugi

Interpretation of Choong-Moo (30 movements):

Choong-Moo is named after the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin of the Yi dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armoured battleship, the Kobukson, in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine. The reason why this pattern ends with a left-hand attack is to symbolise his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the King.

Pattern Choong-Moo:

The following points should be remembered:
1.Walking Stance Knife-Hand High Front Strike (Gunnun So Sonkal Nopunde Ap Taerigi): The fingertip reaches the eye-level of the attacker. The body becomes full facing the opponent.
2.Flying Side Piercing Kick (Twimyo Yopcha Jirugi): The foot should be slightly lower than the attacker's hip
3.Walking Stance Reverse Knife Hand High Front Strke (Gunnun So Sonkal Dung Nopunde Ap Taerigi): The reverse knife-hand reaches the same height as the philtrum of the attacker. The body becomes full facing the opponent. The reverse knife-hand must stay at the centre of the attacker's body.
4.Middle Back Piercing Kick (Kaunde Dwitcha Jirugi): The foot reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker. Keep the toes of the stationery foot pointed to the front. Footsword is the attacking tool.
5.Sitting Stance Forearm Middle Front Block (Annun So Palmok Kaunde Ap Makgi): The forearm comes along the centre line.
6.Sitting Stance Back Fist High Side Strike (Annun So Dung Joomuk Nopunde Yop Tarerigi): The back fist should be half-facing the opponent.
7.L-Stance X-Knife-Hand Checking Block (Niunja So Kyocha Sonkal Momchau Makgi): The fingertip reaches the same level as the shoulder of the attacker.
8.Walking Stance Twin Palm Upward Block (Gunnun So Sang Sonbadak Ollyo Makgi): The attacking tool reaches the target in a circular motion. The palms reach the same level as the elbows of the defender.

Meaning of Black Belt:

Black is opposite to white, signifying the maturity and proficiency in Taekwon-do. It also indicates the wearer's imperviousness to darkness and fear.

Breaking Requirements for 2nd/1st Gups:

Turning Kick, Jumping Back-Piercing Kick, Forefist Punch

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Theory of Power

The power of TKD is attributed to the utilisation of a person's full potential through the mathematical application of TKD techniques. The factors which will result in a high degree of physical power are - reaction force, concentration, equilibrium, breath control, mass and speed.

Reaction Force;

According to Newton's Law, every force has an equal and opposite force. If your opponent is rushing towards you at high speed, and you throw the slightest blow at his head, the force at which you strike his head would be that of his own onslaught plus that of your own blow. The two forces combined are quite impressive. Another reaction force is your own. A punch with the right fist is aided by pulling back the left fist to the hip.


By applying the impact force onto the smallest target area, it will concentrate the force and therefore, increase the effect. For example, the force of water coming out of a hose is greater if the orifice is smaller. The blows in TKD are often concentrated onto the edge of the open palm or to the crook of the fingers. In addition to this one must concentrate every muscle of the body, particularly the bigger muscles of the hip and abdomen, towards the appropriate tool to be used at the proper time.


By keeping the body always in equilibrium, i.e, well balanced, a blow is more effective and deadly. Conversely, the unbalanced one is easily toppled. The stance should always be stable yet flexible. To maintain good equilibrium, the centre of gravity of the stance must fall on a straight line midway between both legs, or in the centre of the foot if it is necessary to concentrate the bulk of weight on the foot. The heel of the rear foot should never be off the ground at the point of impact. This is not only necessary for good balance but also to produce maximum power at the point of impact.

Breath Control;

Controlled breathing not only affects one's stamina and speed but can also condition a body to receive a blow and augment the power of a blow directed against an opponent. Never inhale while focusing a block or blow against an opponent. This not only will impede movement but it will also result in a loss of power.


Mathematically, the maximum kinetic energy or force is obtained from maximum body weight and speed and it is all important that the body weight be increased during the execution of a technique. The hip and the large abdominal muscles are twisted to provide additional body momentum. Thus the hip rotates in the same direction as that of the attacking or blocking tool. Another way of increasing body weight is through use of knee spring.


From the laws of Physics- F=MA, where A is the acceleration or speed of the technique. It is clear therefore that if we increase the speed of the technique we will increase the force and therefore the power.

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Semi Free Sparring (Ban Jayoo Matsogi)

These are the set semi-free sparring combinations as set down by the Irish United Taekwon-do Federation.

1. Hop-in-side piercing kick ( 4x ) off the lead leg.
   Counter Attack: Jumping Back Fist

2. Straight blitz (4 punches)
   Counter Attack: Jumping Reverse Punch

3. Lead Leg side-piercing kick/turning kick combination, followed by a triple blitz.
   Counter Attack: Jumping Back Fist moving backwards.

4. Step-up side piercing kick, followed by back piercing kick (land exactly 180 degrees around), and finish with a jumping back fist.
   Counter Attack: Jumping Side Piercing Kick moving backwards.

5. Jab-cross-turning kick (back leg) combination, followed by an axe kick with the back leg and finish with a jumping back piercing kick.
   Counter Attack: Jumping Back Piercing Kick.

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One Step Sparring (Ilbo Matsogi)

These are the one-step sparring combinations as set by the Irish United Taekwon-do Federation. They are descriptive of techniques against a right hand attack.

1. Left outward crescent kick followed by right front kick-turning kick combination (consecutive kick). Finish with a left L-stance forearm-guarding block.

2. Right inward crescent kick, followed by left back-piercing kick, landing in a left sitting stance executing a knife-hand strike.

3. Right L-stance executing a palm upward block, followed by a left side-front snap kick and right jumping turning kick. (NOTE: Place left foot on floor after side-front snap kick.)

4. Slide out to the open side (right) performing a forearm-guarding block in a right L-stance, followed by a right leg jumping back-piercing kick.

5. Slide out to the attacking side (left) executing a knife-hand block in a left L-stance, followed by a right leg consecutive side kick and land in a left L-stance attacking with a right knife-hand strike.

6. Step your right leg forward into a sitting stance, executing an outer forearm block to the attacker’s inner forearm. Follow with a knife-hand strike using the sine wave and a right jumping side-piercing kick.

7. Slide out to the open side (right) into a sitting stance with the right leg forward, step forward performing a right leg side-piercing kick and land in a right walking stance executing a reverse punch.

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